SALES letter

Fill inboxes and mailboxes with a well-crafted sales mainstay.

Where Many Sales Letters Go Wrong

Generic Opening

Not standing out in an ocean of mail wastes effort.

Sluggish Pacing

Dragging readers through a sludge of filler is off-putting.

Crowded Format

Without ample space to rest, the eye often senses chaos.

Improper Length

Pitching to wants requires more than selling to needs.

Our Features

  • Each of our letters starts with a zinger—a thought-provoking opening. A quotation, a statistic, a question . . . all can pique interest. We select whatever device best suits your sales focus at the time. 
  • We move methodically from one key point to another, noting what readers want and building the case for what they need. Then we highlight the specifics of your capacity to meet that need. Using both crisp transitions and smooth shifts, we help prospects feel the value in every word used. Your letter’s pacing signals efficiency, projecting the impression that you respect their time and attention. 
  • We design your letter to be visually appealing. Knowing that negative, or “white,” space plays a great role in a sales document’s reception, we’re mindful of its placement. We keep paragraphs short and strategically vary vertical line spacing. This formatting adds breathing room so your copy can do its job more effectively.
  • Our writers map out the length of your sales letter based on whether it’s a need-to-know or a want-to-know tool. For targets who know they need what you’re selling, typically, we create a one- or two-page letter (perfect for posted mail or email). But generating desire for something a prospect has no interest in can take 25 pages or so of well-crafted email copy. Because awakening a purchase urge involves many elements, we take the time to astound the reader, explain your benefits, lay out your promise, establish your credibility, make your offer, address objections, and highlight bonuses.

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