creative nonfiction help

Learn the art of combining literary techniques with factual information

What Weakens Creative Nonfiction?

Anemic Hook

Info Dumping

Bland Writing

Stiff Dialogue

Why Mastering the Technical AND the Beautiful Matters

of manuscripts
1 %

submitted for publication are poorly written or have faulty/unoriginal premises.


are working in the U.S. alone. That’s a deep pool vying for prized agent and publisher deals.

of manuscripts
< 0 %

in circulation are accepted for traditional publication.

*Sources –,

Our Features

Manuscript Reading

We go through your MEMOIR, ESSAY, or ARTICLE manuscript to assess how it might appeal to your audience. As we go, we examine how well you blend INFORMING with ENTERTAINING, paying particular attention to your writing style and command of mechanics. Our goal is to get a feel for your voice, storytelling skill, and technical mastery.

Page Turners & Takeaways

Having someone read your writing is a privilege. That's why we highlight artistry and principles that can help draw your reader in and keep them turning pages. We focus on IMMERSION—leveraging details; courting the senses with unique figurative language; dripping descriptions, lessons, and deductions; and peppering in transformative nuggets. We show you how to make truth, and opinion, read as beautifully as fiction.

Scene Selection & Organization

Because memoirs and essays aren't autobiographies—written to discuss your whole life—you've got to isolate the gems that will make your limited story shine. So we guide you through a process to pinpoint the scenes that best illuminate the story you're spotlighting. And we help you understand why presenting them in strict chronological order might not be your best option for weaving a captivating story.

Did You Know?

Emotions matter just as much in creative, or narrative, nonfiction as it does in fiction. Memoir and essay readers come to your story expecting/wanting to care about your story, to be fascinated by your characters/topic and to be transported to another world.

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